Annual Review 2022

Our Staff
This year our staff continue working hard during the biggest staffing Crisis, showing their dedication and passion for what they do and for those they support. This year we had our normal WOW awards for staff and supported people but we also have for the first time TAG Keyworker Awards 2022
Over the very difficult past few weeks, Sholto Andrews has gone above and beyond to help where and whenever possible. I am so thankful for all the help and support over these last few weeks, it is greatly appreciated not only from myself but the people that are receiving this support

Joseph Cook is very dedicated, reliable and committed which was invaluable when the team was immensely strained. Joe has built trusting relations with the people he supports using his sense for decency and accuracy, providing honest positive feedback to build their independence.

Rodrigo Morgado and Almu Garcia have stepped into the position of ATMs. This has been done with such positivity and a real commitment. Right from the start they have a passion to learn their roles and come up with new ideas and suggestions for the benefit of the service.

Amanda Dixon has done a great job building a relationship with Craig. Craig now considers Amanda as a person he can trust and he looks forward to seeing her. Amanda has also became a great member of the team and is held in high regard by her colleagues

Steph Davis is one hard working individual and continues to face the challenges of each day to do the best she can for her team and the people we support. I admire her tenacity for problem solving and making things "work" when she is short staffed.

Suzanne Anderson your resilience is genuinely remarkable... I hope you make sure to look after yourself as much as you look after others in your team. There is not a week goes by where I am not impressed by your strength and energy.
Take care, and remember to reach out if you need help... because all of us need help sometimes.