Self-Directed Support Contract Review
Do you get Option 1 Direct Payments?
Have you used any of the following services?
Lothian Centre For Inclusive Living (LCIL) – Independent Support Service, Grapevine Service and/or Payroll/Financial Management Service
Fife Business Services
The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership want to hear views from people who have used or helped someone to use any of the services mentioned above.
This is so they can find out what is working well and what could be better. You have 2 options to take part:
How to take the Survey?
Survey Resources
Please respond by 10th July 2023
Do you need this survey on tape, in Braille, large print and various computer formats?
Please contact Interpretation and Translation Service(ITS) at
Email: and quote reference number 23-8693.
ITS can also give information on community language translations.
Self-Directed Support Contracts Review
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