Stephen Oliver
I have been involved for six years with a school for children with moderate to severe support needs and became Chair of the Parent Council. I saw at first hand the difficulties that all parents face even when they have good support in raising their children and preparing them for adult life. My own son has moderate learning difficulties and has been a user of the Transition Service that The Action Group provided in Falkirk. Now that he no longer attends school I wish to use my acquired knowledge and business experience to further the work of The Action Group. I am the Board link for Real Jobs in Falkirk and Learning & Development.
I am interested in education provision, furthering employment opportunities and developing the services that parents/carers need to support their loved ones with learning difficulties. I am currently experiencing the transition process of my son as he goes from school to adulthood.
As Senior Manager I have experiences in organisational development, sales and marketing and contract negotiation with government bodies, these all underpin how services are developed and delivered.
Outwith the Board: I am a parent/Carer having previously been a Senior Manager within the Pharmaceutical Industry, working for major multinational companies.
Other Information: I am a co-opted member of Carrongrange High School Parent Council with special interest in the development of a new school.
As Senior Manager I have experiences in organisational development, sales and marketing and contract negotiation with government bodies, these all underpin.