Nigel Hicks
When did you join the Board? Co-opted May 2016 Approved at AGM October 2016
Why did you join the Board? Introduced by Cynthia Anderson Having retired in December 2015 I was seeking opportunities to offer my experience in finance, governance and accounting to boards of trustees charged with directing social enterprises in Edinburgh
Do you have a specific role on the Board (eg Chair, Treasurer)? Audit Committee membership Have been approached to be Treasurer
What services are you linked to? None
What is your specific interest in services for children and adults with a learning disability? None though I was well aware of the existence of the Action Group and of its legacy of excellence and service delivery
What is your job role outwith the Board? Retired Member of boards of other organisations North Edinburgh Dementia Care Manor Estates Housing Association Treasurer of St Anne’s Church, Corstorphine