Abi Kelly - Head of Finance
2022-23 has been a busy and challenging year for the finance and payroll teams. We have sadly said goodbye to some long-serving team members, and have welcomed some new faces to the team. As a team we are hugely grateful for the support and collaboration of colleagues across the organization – we would not be able to support the finances of our services and ensure colleagues are paid correctly without it.
The majority of our income in 2022/23 came from service contracts with local authorities (including Self-Directed Support), mostly for the provision of support to adults with support needs. The breakdown of this by service area is shown above.
As in previous years, our biggest cost is staff costs, which account for 83% of our total spend for the year. We have maintained a lean management structure, keeping our overheads as low as reasonably possible at 8.5% of our total spend. This has ensured that the vast majority of our spend (91.5%) has rightly been on our front line services and the people we support.
A breakdown of our expenditure by service area is shown above.